Pre-Vaccine: Fun in the Sun and Snow (Day + 256)

As Clark continues to thrive, our family keeps venturing out. We spent a windy day at the Crissy Fields beach in San Francisco to fly kites, as well as dig in the sand. It was pretty cold, but beautiful, and a lot of fun!


The following weekend we rented a vacation home in South Lake Tahoe.  We drove up on a clear beautiful day, and enjoyed a midnight stroll to grab some dinner before heading in for bed.




When we woke up the next morning, we looked out the window to see a winter wonderland! It had been snowing all night, and it was absolutely gorgeous outside! It felt like Christmas. After the boys spent a few hours in the snow, we headed out into the blistering cold, but that didn’t stop us from enjoying  town. And the best way to  warm up on a cold day? Hot chocolate and cookies!



That same afternoon, the sun came out, and turned all the snow into massive puddles. Perfect for their rain boots. :) This also helped us with the drive home, since we no longer needed to put chains on our tires.



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