We debated for more than 6 months before realizing a helmet would be necessary for Clark. At first, we did not really believe that Clark needed a helmet, since he only had mild hemophilia. But after 2 back-to-back visits to the ER for mild head bumps, we realized any prevention is much better than any trip to the hospital.
So off to buy a helmet. The only problem was finding a helmet that provided enough protection, and yet didn’t look too much like a medical device.
After looking at some terrible helmets, we came across the “No Shock”. It’s a soft, adjustable helmet that looks more like an equestrian hat. It was one of the cutest helmets we could find that actually looked like a childs hat. It also has open spots on top to make it more breathable. A breathable helmet is more comfortable on a hot day in California.
We ended up buying the “No Shock” on Amazon.com. It has turned out to be a fantastic helmet, and we’re looking at getting a second. Easy to wear and size, and very versatile. In this case, sometimes less is more, and the lack of cartoon characters makes it seem like we are simply overprotective parents, rather than carting around a child with a debilitating illness.